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TOPIC: [SHARING] Weird, weird me.

[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 4 days ago #7858

  • Karen Ma
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Hey peeps, my internet break for tonight is here.
Today I'd like to share with you something about myself.
While I was studying Economics just now, I got bored...okay seriously..I was on the chapter of Elementary Keynesian Model it was KILLING ME
So I thought about what happened today.

Today afternoon I went to my tutorial, and on my way there a man approached me and asked me directions on how to go to a certain place in that area. He spoke in Mandarin Chinese and although I am not entirely fluent in that language, I understood what he meant. But the point is..I didn't know how to go to that building.

Which made me reflect on how limited my knowledge is about my community. I've been living in this district for nearly 10 years now and I am still clueless about how to get around places that are super near me.

This incident further made me think about some weird things about myself... Here are 5 that top my list:

1) I have zero geographical sense. I always pretend to be a tourist and speak in foreign languages when I am out in the streets, just to cover up my ignorance haha. I speak in English/French when I am in Hong Kong and I speak in Chinese when I visit the States every year.
2) I don't drink soft drinks or packaged fruit juice. They taste fake to me......the gas in soft drinks makes my ears hurt.
3) I wear socks to bed every night.
4) I have a mild case of OCD[obsessive compulsive disorder]. it's getting less serious though. my room is really messy now
5) I have trouble saying no to people. Whenever people ask me to do something, I say yes. Usually I regret afterward, but I can't help it. It's like automatic response. So yea..don't bully me and bombard me with work lol.

That's it! Do you have any weird habits that you'd like to share?

I hope you won't avoid me just because you've read this.

Hmm...I can't help it. I am just weird like that. :)

Last Edit: 15 years 4 days ago by Karen Ma.
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 4 days ago #7860

  • gonnabeme
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hey karren... u wrote something! yeaaayy for your writing.... n sharing :)

your number 3 & 5 r same as me! hoho... i think thats normal.... unless both of us r weird.. ;)

m i weird? i think maybe i'm complicated... but i'm easy going n very warm person... n i take almost everything with my whole heart.. so, if something doesn't turned out as I wish or work for... i usually wud think bout it over n over again.. n cry over n over again for it which is my very best way of healing

dun worry, b happy.. :)
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 4 days ago #7863

  • nu2me
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Hi Karren, funny topic but we r just human.

my share.... have zero geographic sense too, guess 'coz I don't drive. i have to be near that place am familiar with then everything comes to light hahaha :lol: then i'll remember where am at.

good point, carbonated and/or still bevs are mostly high fructose corn syrup or the like or stevia/other brand sweetened. processed, homogenized, has preservatives. but throws caution to the winds... sometimes go for the coke. :lol:

and like u, have problem with outright no answers. sometimes feel burden sometimes can handle the extra thing to do.

love to shop if something caught my fancy but then realizes that I have no use for them :huh:

last one, we have similarities, when I travel, I speak spanish were most everyone else speaks english, and the other way too. how weird is that!

btw, ur last comment : hope you won't avoid me just because you've read this, cracks me up !!! :lol:
Don't u worry, nobody's perfect.
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 3 days ago #7878

  • beaupsh
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"1.) I have zero geographical sense." <---- I do.

I am really bad navigator. :lol:
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 3 days ago #7880

  • Liu Si Ying
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LOL Karen!! wot a good topic~

okay here r the weird things about me
1. Sorry all, but I got super good geographic sense and ability to assimilate into any environment (perhaps not the desert or some 3rd world countries), my friends call me a GPS - coz if I've been to tat place once, I would kinda or will know the way there already.
2. I can't drive, I'm a really bad driver and I hate driving. =[
3. I'm fussy with living, if I were ever to buy a place or move out of my parents' house, #1 thing i look for is a nice kitchen n then a nice bathroom, I can't live without any of them being not nice/old.
4. I'm efficient in everything but studying... =[
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 3 days ago #7928

  • juhichi
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hi karren this is a nice topic.

im with you in 1 and 5.

i really dont have geographic sense. or maybe i have but really i suck at direction. i remember when i was in sophomore year highschool we went to a mall. and i almost got lost thank god my auntie saw me.

its really hard to say NO to other people. even im so freaking busy but when a friend ask me to do something for her i cant just say no to her. so in the end the thing im working suffer. :(

i have this habit. i dont know how to describe it. its like holding hands but my hands is holding my feet. oooooh. am i making sense? lol
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 2 days ago #7979

  • soracantabile
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lol...funny topic..

same as me..
no geographical sense..
I think it's a common problem for girls.. ;)

well,,another weird part of me is...
I'm 22 but I can't ride bicycle!! :P
I drive a car,,but not a motorcycle or bicycle..
going to learn it soon.. :lol:

too many other weird part of me to share..
sometimes my friends said that I'm not from this world.. :lol:
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 2 days ago #7983

  • girlie
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How about not knowing between your left and right. If I give directions I have to really think hard. I used to have a mole on my right palm and before I would look at it before I say left or right but It has faded. On several occassions I will say turn to your left but would be pointing to my right or vice versa. My husband will say are you sure then I will have to stop and think, no spontaniety. He says I am killing him. My answer is why are you still around.
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 2 days ago #7984

  • Liu Si Ying
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girlie wrote:
How about not knowing between your left and right. If I give directions I have to really think hard. I used to have a mole on my right palm and before I would look at it before I say left or right but It has faded. On several occassions I will say turn to your left but would be pointing to my right or vice versa. My husband will say are you sure then I will have to stop and think, no spontaniety. He says I am killing him. My answer is why are you still around.

LOL yeh sometimes i do the same thing.. I go 'turn left' but i lift my right hand up and points to the right! LOL!
I'm slightly better these days.
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Re:[SHARING] Weird, weird me. 15 years 2 days ago #7989

  • soracantabile
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girlie wrote:
How about not knowing between your left and right. If I give directions I have to really think hard. I used to have a mole on my right palm and before I would look at it before I say left or right but It has faded. On several occassions I will say turn to your left but would be pointing to my right or vice versa. My husband will say are you sure then I will have to stop and think, no spontaniety. He says I am killing him. My answer is why are you still around.

same as me!!
but it's getting better now..
If I want to say "right" or "left" then I will move one of my hand..
I always move the right hand spontaneously,,then I know which one is right and which one is left.. :lol:
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