some more weird things about me:
6) I bring my camera wherever I go. I have 6 cameras[a Sony DC Snapshot, Nikon, Canon EOS, Polaroid camera, Polaroid POGO, random Lomo camera] but usually I bring my snapshot or Canon. I didn't get all of the cameras on my own[it's impossible!!].my friends and parents know I am obsessed with photo-taking
7) but i never upload photos. on my facebook and in real life my friends keep bugging me to upload photos but I procrastinate. photos from 2008 were uploaded in 2009 hahahaa!! always get scolded for this
8) water hates me. i didn't learn to swim until I was nearly 10 years old. I lost two of my past cell phones due to water accidents. lost my ipod touch last year due to ANOTHER water accident at the beach.
9) I am a "acne-free" person. I only get one or two acne every year. it's in my genes because my mom and my grandmother rarely get acne. my brothers aren't as lucky.
10) my skin never gets tanned. every year I hang out at beaches and outdoor places during summer 24/7, but my skin is still very white. even if I'm tanned for sometime, my skin will "auto" turn white again....frustrating!
11) I am very very scared of the dark, but I can't sleep with lights on.
nu2me wrote:love to shop if something caught my fancy but then realizes that I have no use for them

haha I am soooo with you!!! I always say "okay, a girl can't have too many 'insert item name here', right"
but then I realise that I do that for every single thing!! shoes, clothes, bags, cds, dvds, cosmetics, stationary...even toys for my pets !
ore0_gal wrote:1. Sorry all, but I got super good geographic sense and ability to assimilate into any environment (perhaps not the desert or some 3rd world countries), my friends call me a GPS - coz if I've been to tat place once, I would kinda or will
4. I'm efficient in everything but studying... =[
haha amy I'm so with you on #4!!
omg I should bring you with me whenever I go out I'll never get lost again
seriously, I get lost sometimes in the neighborhood...
juhichi wrote:i have this habit. i dont know how to describe it. its like holding hands but my hands is holding my feet. oooooh. am i making sense? lol
LOL!!!! you mean you're holding your feet?
I can't ride a bike either!!!! it sounds soooo stupid but I can't handle a two-wheeler! I can ice-skate and rollerblade and ride on a scooter just fine but I can't ride a bike at all!
hahaha!!! "why are you still around" is a commonly used phrase by me too! to my brothers though hehe
I have last song syndrome too! even if I don't know the song I'll start singing along. once my friend was singing "Bop to The Top" from High School Musical I hate that song so much but then I started singing too and that song got stuck in my head for a week!
I love writing letters too! maybe because we are girls? I'm not sure, but I love decorating the letters I write

my friends and I always write to each other even if we're just less than 3 feet away in class LOL!
hailey!! I listen to music when I am in the bathroom too! my mom always says "your laptop is going to break down real soon if you keep on bringing it inside" but I don't care! even if I'm not listening to music i'm singing in the bathroom hahaa
opposite to you, I am a much louder person in real life.
oppa! don't ask for my Dcut!!! ahahhahaa