yeah Joyce, SH updated her CYWORLD.
2010.09.08 수 17:42
근데 코 와 목 에 먼지 가 꿍 꿍 끼었 는지 감기 걸 렸네요.
드디어시라노연애조작단이공개되었습니다. 드디어 시라노 연애 조작 단 이 공개 되었습니다.
소이언니,수아언니,바닐라루시언니들(왕이쁜혜라언니,카리스마다해언니, 제일만만오짱, 4차원매력발산소라언니),아라,인나어닌,베니언니,수현오빠,덕환오빠,동욱오빠,백경오빠,근석오빠,너무너무고마워요. 인나어닌, 베니 언니, 수현 오빠,
나또빼먹은사람있나.. ? 큼큼있다면삐지지말아줘요잉잉 나또 빼먹은 사람 있나 ..? 큼큼있다면삐지지말아줘요잉잉
지금부터가시작이라생각합니다. 더열심히할거에요.
ps: OST 나왔습니다. 부끄럽지만많이들어주세요.
Loose translate:
The premiere has ended safely.
But with a cold nose and throat hurts feels like it's with dust.
One step closer at home? Dog also tried to avoid the hospital, Here we go.
What in the house again, we're stuck at the Aboo.
Finally Cyrano Agency has been released.
The ending is something different and unexpected. and will be surprised.
Shin Hye thanks everyone who came... hastily gave jeongjulnotgoitda
Soy Sister, Sister Suarez, big sister Lucy Vanilla (King ppeun hyera sister, charisma, devoted sister, jeilmanmanohjjang, 4-D attraction radiating shells sister), Ara, innaeonin, Ben Kay, Suhyeon brother, deokhwan brother, Dong Wook oppa, 1000000000000000000 Brother, oppa geunseok, neomuneomugomawoyo. Innaeonin, Ben Kay, Suhyeon brother, thank you so much.. and others who I may have missed ? If you do not know me keumkeum ppiji inging
I think from the start. we're going to work harder.
Please send the best and lots of love for Cyrano Agency !
p.s: OST came out. please don't ask for more, I'm ashamed/shy.