Hello everyone
I hope every members who are reading this topic have tried the chat feature of our site . It is a facebook-like chat bar.
With this chatbar, we have been able to chat with each other personally, to make friends, to share with each other everything about our star, or about our own life.
Until that moment, we do not hesitate to say that we're the first and largest international community that is supporting our star, Park Shin Hye. And we think there is the need to upgrade this feature, not only to share from one user to one user, but we will be able to chat and share with more than 3000 users of our site simultaneously
in real-time
So that's our question : How do you want to use our new chatroom feature ?
Please give us your answer, your ideas are truly appreciated , and maybe we will have a small gift for the member has the best idea.
P/S: Kindly take note that this feature hasn't been available yet at this moment.