Here is the tutorial for those who are not familiar with the language...
a) How to sign up
1. go to SH's me2day
2. Find this on the right
3. This will pop up
note : in the address you can only have letters, number, hyphen, under bar, 3 to 12 letters ^^
4. After signed up and if they didn't automatically logged you in yet, click log in
5. A page will pop up, fill out your info
6. Now that you're logged in, you might want to change your profile picture or the color of your page. Find this
7. This will appear *ignore my info ^^;;;*
the one after location is to change your website : )
8. If you want to change the color of the skin, click on that color then click the word "??" on the right
9. For profile picture
10. Remember to click '??' button after picture is uploaded
b) Adding Friends
1. Go to your friend's page
Under the profile picture there will be a drop down menu, click on the + sign
-Friend who I'm interested in (click if you don't want to write any message)
-Be friend (you can write message to the person if you click this)
after that a gray box will appear on the right saying that you have successfully requested friendship
If the friend accept, another gray box will appear to tell you that your friend accepted your requested.
c) Accepting Friends
if you have friend request, it will show there......just click the '??' button to accept, before accept, don't forget to write a little message back to your friend : ).......then you will have to wait for your friend's comfirmation
d) Add Favorites & Comments
1. Go to the person's page, you will see their posts
2. To comments
You can edit what you want to see on your page
click that button first '???? ??'
check the one you want to see on your page and uncheck the one you don't like
click ??
i suggest to uncheck the "interesting tags' one because it will show a lot of strange posts from strange people on your page......
btw, if you have itouch or iphone, they have me2day apps ^^
e) To upload pictures (from computer)
1. Go to this page and download the me2DAY uploader
Click 'launch now'
2. After installing the application, you will be directed to a page. There will be a button that said '?????', click it. Then after that, you click '??'
3. You're all done, now click the me2DAY uploader icon on your desktop
4. This will appears. Click the '+' sign to choose picture
after that
here is the result ^^