moegov wrote:
Thanks a lot for your reply. I appreciate your kindness..
Here are some more words:
sentences: (look at the bold words)
1) di bilang maat bunda uang bunda kepake
2) abis di pt pada di mintain
3) neng minta tolong mu teteh tolong beliin pulsa
4) kalo ngasih se real
5) lihat gak di kirimin 1 thn kedepan dia mau apa, mau nyerai...
I know I am asking a lot, but I would love to learn more about Indonesian:)
@moegov, I am curious about you now. So you are not Indonesian. Do you find something and want to translate? Those sentences are not good in grammar. I will try to translate, I wish you are in good intention.
1. di bilang
maat bunda uang bunda
kepake: I think it's
maaf. Tell mom sorry, that mom's money is spent.
2. abis
di pt pada di
mintain: I am not so sure about this one, but I think "because at post office they asked the money"
3. neng minta tolong
mu teteh tolong
beliin pulsa: "Teteh, please buy Neng some pulsa".
4. kalo ngasih
se real : If you buy pulsa for 1 real (I think)
5. lihat gak di kirimin 1 thn kedepan dia mau apa, mau
nyerai...: "let's see, if you don't send any money in one year what he is going to do, will he divorce you?"
It seems a communication between Teteh (older sister) and Neng (younger sister).
I wish it helps.