Hi Everyone!
Time passing by so fast. We don't even realize that today is our 5th month we have been operating on this cyber world.
In order to celebrate it, we would like to announce and share the following achievements with the community:
1 - We have setup our new official facebook page
2 - Follow us on twitter
3 - Naver blog
4 - Daum blog
5 - Our official youtube channel is now at #57 most viewed in South Korea
Our community has received a warm welcome by Korean fans on Naver, DC Gallery as well as other Korean fan clubs. We are currently working together with them to support Shin Hye in every way we can.
In the future, we also have plans to contribute and support other international fan sites.
A beautiful quote to share with everyone;
"Look up and not down; look forward and not back; look out and not in; and lend a hand"
With this community, we are looking forward to have great future and hopefully more memories, success and establisment.
Happy 5th month anniversarry and more days, weeks, months and years together.
For Park Shin Hye and everybody!
Aja aja FIGHTING!!!!