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TOPIC: [MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent

[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4576

  • pj0t
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Feel free to express anything in this thread. However, please take note that FORUM RULES ARE STILL APPLIED.
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:evil: Rant or rave all you want!!! :P

I'll start!

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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4588

  • gonnabeme
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dear pj0t, can i comment?

i actually previously luv my works, but i hate my boss. i hv no problem with my colleagues in d office. we can even hanged out together after d office hour. while becaming among d best asset of d company n recognized by others, my boss however underestimate me, my boss will usually appointed me for a lots of important assignments n i got everyone impressed by succeeding all d challenges, but however, when it comes to bonus payment & promotion, d boss dissapointed me by saying those super extra things i did for d company shdn't b considered as my actual roles & duties, so thats why i shouldn't get hi marks on that. kind of stupid excusses... anyway!

well, after few years struggling & sacrifying, i never thought i wud ever jump to other organisation. better prospectus, faaaaaaaar better than previous company. now i have much even better boss, n i really luv my job... :)

in short, dun gv up to your fate, believed in yourself, and you know, nothing is impossible!

dun worry, b happy.. :)
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4605

  • bianne ong
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i could somehow relate to pj0t and gonnabeme to a certain context, though i must say in all fairness, my work, my company and the people i work with and work for are the best! now if only they could so something about the salary. :lol:

but, Amy, your experience is quite tough! all of you being in the same group, and the girl being your best friend at that! sorry, should i say, ex-bestfriend as well? that's nasty! if there's one good thing about your story: i'm glad they are already "exes" in your life. it's time to move forward, girl! i'm also glad to see that you have this and other stuff (like gym and travel... those are the only ones i know of right now, heehee) that at least keeps your mind occupied. in a way it makes me happy to know that you spend sleepless nights because of psh.com (and the newly established shoutmix chat, lol) than thinking about them.

be happy, Amy!!! let's all be! :D

(= I admit I fell in love twice - the first time was with you, the second was with the person you became when you were finally mine. =)
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4613

  • annagelo20
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This topic caught my attention I'm somewhat connected to pjoy and gonna's story..
@ work..yes I agree the place was great..
I absolutely adore it.
But..there are a lot of house rules here w/c is i hate.
whoahh.. working isn't that easy,
I've been working since i was in fourth year high school 'coz I'm the bread winner ofthe family that tie.
And Until now I'm not yet finish with my studies because I need to work hard
for my tuition fees..
I really wanna graduate someday.
This dream made me far from my love ones.
'coz now I'm in a place far from them
It's only 8 hours away from home by land.. but
It's saddening that they're not around me anymore.
I have to save a lot
endure these rules..They're such a pain in my ass. T_T
I have to be alone here until May.
Living isn't easy but in each struggles and trials i face and gonna face
another shed of strent I gained and I will gain..
I'm stronger now.
I wanna go home... :(
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4660

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I'm at a loss for words. I want to hug everyone.

Mine must be pretty boring. job, pay, apt, friends quite content. just have to weed out the undesirables, even former bfs. Have also felt depressed at some point in my life, but nobody but me to pick up. I'm always told that time would heal all wounds... at the very moment, I could only sigh, when would that be ?! ... but eventually, after much soul searching, pre-occupation, finding ways to distract my thoughts, tough work projects, I overcome them. Really, one thing for sure, the "friends" and "boyfriends" if it did not work out, my opinion, we're better off without them. We will have newer friends who will be real friends and new boyfriend who will be the One.

I've lost my last bf, but looking back, am better person. Maybe thankfully because of him too. We're still friends, am able to accept that now. With hard work, able to discipline my thoughts and repeat many many times over to myself, that I am happier and my best revenge (don't do the bad way) is to be more confident and stand tall. He sees me and asks why did we have to break up?! :angry: I say to myself, I'm glad we did !!!! and move on.

Stay well and don't let anything or anyone bother you for long. It is not worth the effort, I always call it, wasted energy.
We're here as your friends, at least that is how I feel. :)
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4670

  • MissMellis
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I'm not good with word so bear with me please ^^

Sometimes I feel like giving up on everything. Well, I've already given up on my school and my friends. The only thing that barely keeps me going is my family. I feel like moving away from my family, but I can't be without them. But at the same time, I feel like I need my own place. I'm in a dilemma right now. Don't know what to do.

And people tell me that I'm too nice and I've realised that's it true. I do everything that friends and family ask me to do, but no one appreciates it. And when I need something, they all come up with lame excuses and whatnot. I can't stop being nice, I mean it's a part of my personality. But I guess I should stop doing so much for people that don't appreciate it and maybe it's time for me to say no.

Amy: Somwhow I can relate to you. I've also had a battle with depression and I still am. And all of my so called friends are either in school and have full time jobs. I feel the pressure from my family to study or to work. But it's really hard getting a job where I live.. and studying. I dunno what to study. There's nothing that I wanna work with at the moment. I guess I need to find myself.

But dear, you have to stay strong. Don't let anyone hurt you anymore. They are not worth your time and energy. It's a good thing that you're no longer friends with that girl. She was totally not worth being your friend ^^
And hey, if you ever need to talk, we're all here for you!~ AJA AJA!!

And pj0t dear: Start looking around for another job. One need to work in a place where it's a happy place to be. Not feel like it's hell going there everyday. I really hope you find a better job with a much better boss!~
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4671

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Thank you for sharing, everyone.

Everyone has different set of stories.
Frankly, at my age.. I've stop thinking about BF or BFF. I'm better off without them. I move on with my virtual friends and other stuff. Added more fun in my single life!

As for job, it's though for me to find any other company to hire me. They won't offer as much as the current company :'( I need the money to cover my expenses, shoppings, travelling and fan-girling. I've given up on BF and BFF but I'm not gonna giving up on those. Those are the things that made my life even better and happier.

@Ellie, stop being a nice girl. You just need to learn to say NO and have a straight face. Prioritize yourself, girl!

@nu2me and Amy: I've close and leave all the love stories behind me. They're all history. Yeah, I'm glad that we broke up! I'm not even regret it. I'm a better person without them *too many BFs :P*

@annagelo: most of the times, I really want to work abroad, away from selfish friends, irritating fellows and etc. But then, I'm not sure if I would be able to survive to work abroad. Travelling abroad is fun but working abroad is though. Plus I know I would definitely missing everything about my homeland specially the foods!!!!!!

@bianne: I envy you. Sometimes I wonder, shall I give up the salary for the happy heart of my working life. But then, I've to sacrifice lots of other thing if I give up the salary :S

@Amy: it was though on you, girl. But then, thankfully they're all has been a history. I know we have different faith, but believe me.. all the circumstances that you've been through all these years are meant to make you a better and stronger person. You are a better and stronger person!! Don't ever let anything make you down!!
It's sad when your only friend is leaving abroad.. but hey... you have us!! Even virtually, we're friends!!

@gonnabeme: I've given up to prove anything at work, cause it ain't worth it. I just do whatever been assigned but half-heartedly. I could have done better, I could have performed better. But my boss keep demotivating each and everyone of us. It's so hard to work with most demotivated team in the world!!!

Life is too short to be unhappy!! Leave the unhappiness behind! Let's look forward for more fun!!
But then, running away will not solve anything. Face it and you'll be stronger!

Hey girls..
Last Edit: 15 years 3 weeks ago by pj0t.
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4677

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morning everyone..... lets start a brand new day.... ;)

dun worry, b happy.. :)
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4681

  • Hailey Nguyen
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As Chinese New Year is coming, making me feel really sad......I live here with my aunt, my parents separated when I was 13 and they both living in another State.....and I'm an only child....well...i'm fine with that...my mom calls me everyday and our relationship is very good...but I do feel lonely sometimes. I came from a big family, with a lot of uncles and aunts......when I was in Vietnam we're all living in 1 big house...so much fun. Me and my cousins are all living together so we treated each other as real sisters & brothers. I remember every new year my mom would buy me new clothes, adults would give out red envelopes....I miss my childhood a lot! it was just so beautiful..........my childhood is everything a little girl could ever wants. Since all those beautiful memories took place in Vietnam....so not a single day in my life that I'm not thinking about my birth country. I really miss my family there : (....

it's so lonely over here!
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[MISC] Rant, Rave or Vent 15 years 3 weeks ago #4683

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WOW. These are all relatable. I am old and most of you are probably the same age as my firstborn. I am experiencing the same problems at work the job is not really that hard but overwhelming projects aside from daily tasks but the killer is my supervisor. I lost a very cushy job and all the people are great. I guess all things good comes to an end. I am still struggling to get the confidence I had. She is quite intimidating and makes me nervous because she only dwells on the mistakes that is not really massive but can be overlooked. Say find another job, easy said than done. With the recession here in the States there are no jobs available. If you lost a job through lay offs it takes months or years to find a "good' job, ones that your qualifications are comparative. I guess my life is a lot more tolerable than some people but sometimes when depression sets in. It is hard to get out of the funk. Right now the only way I can get away from the problems is reading about my favorite person, PSH. I envy her parents who are probably so proud of this girl's accomplishments. Her upbringing is commendable and all the things I have learned about her is, she is very down to earth. Love her to pieces.
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