Today wearing a suit for the first time in a while Hanyang Go Go
Face is still sleepy
*The first half of 2013 Scholarships Ceremony
오늘은 간만에 수트를 입고 한양대 고고
얼굴 잠 아직 안 깨고…
Scholarships awarded I get the school mascot ㅋㅋ cute~~~
장학금 수여하고 우리학교 마스코트 뱃어왔음 ㅋㅋ 귀여워~~~ tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk donated 1,200 million won to Hanyang University hoping to settle the scholarship. The “Jang Keun Suk” scholarship started from March 2012, which sponsored 20 students at the department of Acting who have excellent results and come from financially disadvantaged background.
Amazing Jang Keun Suk !!!
대 다 나 다 장 근 석!!!
Note that Pig rascal Zzingkun went to the factory to sample production...
참고로 돼지생키 찡군은 샘플 제작으로 새끼가기 위하여 공장에 들어가 있는 상태…
금요일 밤.. 한사토이에서 구입한 아이들에게 피아노 가르키는둥... 안보이니 보고싶은 돼지생키... 잘 지내는가...
Friday night...purchased a piano toy for children to play..I shouldn't miss pig rascal..Well, come on...
이 생키는 피아노 부시려 그러네!!!!!!! 이거이 미쳣나!!!
That is why i tried to play this lively piano!!!!!!! This is what I am!!!
금요일 밤에 혼자서 인형놀이... 엄마 보고싶다 ㅠ
Alone playing in a Friday night....I want to see Mom ㅠ
@AsiaPrince_JKS: 역시 일요일은 독서타임...with Team H music
Perhaps, a reading time on Sunday..with Team H music TEF Note: the book above is 'First Rate Madness' by Nassir Ghaemi. As mentioned in a NY Times review, “This book argues that in at least one vitally important circumstance insanity produces good results and sanity is a problem.”
*Psychiatrist ask where the aggression will go. If aggression is inhibited, people will be maladaptive and abnormal, then become sick. What is the most important thing for us is to be mentally healthy and normal. However, King’s idea was different…’We have to accept unhappiness, suffering and gloom like God’s Word.’ King’s co-worker reverend, Joseph Lowrey knew that. He talked about it recently, “In order to accomplish societal change, we have to be a bit crazy. The leaders of non-violent campaign all were a bit crazy, including Martin.”
[07.05.2013] @AsiaPrince_JKS and @prhyme79 on Twitter
3시 트리제이 공지 빠밤!!!!
At 3, TreeJ announcement babam!!
어젯 밤 치킨시켰다가 지갑에 돈 없는거 발견하고 엄마한테 돈빌리러 세그웨이 타고 출동.. 우리 집은 프사장께서 지키고 계시고.. ㅋ. 간지좀 나나??
Last night wanted to order fried chicken only to discover there was no money in my wallet so I rode my Segway to borrow money from mom..Our house is being protected by president P right now..ㅋ. Do I look cool??
@prhyme79 외롭게 나 혼자 집지켰음 ㅋ
Lonely I'm protecting the home all alone ㅋ
@prhyme79 Porsche USB from @AsiaPrince_JKS (jks special m/v) & soulmate ring from @bornfreeonekiss THX guys ! Love u all time !
"@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@prhyme79: Cheju Halla Soju Bomb! ㅋ "@AsiaPrince_JKS: Drunken Prime, a victim of my mom's alcohol bomb!”ㅡI bet there's ketchup on your face.. (this means like he's embarrassed)
그리고 AP 전용자리... 이거 완전 잠 온다..
And.. reserved for AP only.. Sitting here.. makes me drowsy...
영득이는 외롭고...
YoungDeuk is lonely......
그리고 집에 와서 즐잠하려했는데......
came back home..supposed to take a nap...
R to the T !!!!!!
R to the T man!!!!!!
페가수스가 왔는데.... 다 좋은데.......
암놈이다...... 젠장
Pegasus came....that's good......
It's a female....damn
요즘 눈이 잘 안보여서.... 시계하나 뽑아봤음..
Lately my eyes can't see watch that I want to pick..
Luxurious ~
@freevj: 내일 스케줄이 일곱개라는 소문이 있다던데 말이지??”ㅡ바쁘다고 티내네ㅡㅡ 라디오 생방인지 안생방인지 가려내겠어
@freevj: Heard a rumor that tomorrow's schedule is for seven??" - showing off you're very busy -- Radio is it live or not live?
@bigbrothersound: Listen to me mother !!”ㅡI'm your father..
@prhyme79: Diptyque is Really GOOD ! Thx @AsiaPrince_JKS ^^”ㅡ아껴쓰도록!!
@prhyme79: Diptyque is Really GOOD ! Thx @AsiaPrince_JKS ^^”- try to save it!!
“@freevj: @AsiaPrince_JKS 평일은생방생방!!ㅋㅋ”ㅡ내일게스트 또 나갈까여 ㅋ
“@freevj: @AsiaPrince_JKS We're going live live!! ㅋㅋ”ㅡ Shall I be tomorrow's guest also ㅋ
Petit Ami said:
To all members: We really need your help now. Otherwise there is really high possibility that we have to close the site down at the end of this month . We need at least 300$ more to sustain the site for another 3 months.