Twitter Update:
@treeJ_company: 안녕하세요! 라인 공식 계정이 오픈했습니다. 라인에서 장배우의 메세지를 즐겨주세요
개설국가-한국,일본,중국,대만,홍콩,태국,필리핀,미국,멕시코ㅡ전세계를 죠져!!!
Hello there! Line official account was opened. Please enjoy Actor Jang's LINE messages
Open countries - South Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, the Philippines, USA, Mexico
JKS: Worldwide jyojyo!!!
Please note: You cannot send him messages through the account, the Jang Keun Suk account will send out messages or notifications to those that add it.
To add Jang Keun Suk's account, click on the more tab in the app and look for Official Accounts. Then select Jang Keun Suk or search for him by name ^^
If your country was not on the list, at the very bottom part of the Official Accounts section there is an option to "Select Another Country". Change your country to one of the ones that is selected and you should be able to add him ^^
By changing your country, you will also be able to add ALL of his accounts no matter which country it is in;)