2. Three Meals A Day — Fishing (?!) Village
By Cat that watches TV
Heh, nope, you are not on the wrong channel. Thanks to Shin-hye’s bright idea, the guys have another source of proteins — river fish. Remember Taec wading barefeet into the river to set up the fish net last week? Well, the net comes up FULL. (Papa Yoo, are you watching?!) Albeit the river fish are a little on the tiny side. And I mean really tiny –averaging 4cm at best?
Teeny or not, they make a good meal when deep fried in batter. But first, someone muz clean them up. And amazingly, our clueless Maknae turns out to be a sashimi chef. With a quick slit, he guts the fish and passes it to a squeamish Shin-hye to clear out the intestines. Taec prepares the batter and becomes the official fryer (with Shin-hye keeping an eagle eye on him)…while Seo-jinnie hangs around to do the taste test. (best job ever)