Thank u for the updates !!! Love u family !!! Huggies everyone.
Have a feeling that something like that was bound to happen. That fans as soon as they found out she has tweeter acct, expects her to answer and if she got a chance did so, these ppl start tweeting her like she is their buddy next door. They start being so comfortable (forgetting that SH has her own life, doing many things like us) in tweeting like they know each other since "high school". I, like many of us here, would be sad if she closes her account. We get to see what she was thinking and get updates daily.
**even JGS, he also does not reply to all his fans, eels that send him messages. The fan is lucky if he is online and sending out messages, and replies to a message at that moment. So that fan who tweet that to SH is very selfish !!!
Unfortunately, that fan was thinking only of himself/herself.
** at work I get emails in numbers daily that u won't believe, but answering all of them, I honestly can't do.. and someone sent me an email commenting that I don't have time to reply, am I that important person now ! It happen to me too - and I am not even a celebrity - . The feeling sucks (sorry), so like u, I could understand Shin Hye.
Here, we understand Shin Hye especially sympathetic to her that she is under the weather, has allergies that she needs to put eye drops and still has to deal with this. She loves her fans and very appreciative of them always and for someone calling her "arrogant", her feeling would be hurt. Please don't worry SH. Fighting PSH !!!