~ Translation ~
On Saturday 29th January 2011, @ssinz said:
눈물이 앞을 가리고 말았다..끝은 늘 아쉽고 허무하다.왜이리 잘못한것만 생각나는지..조금만 더 잘할걸..조금만 더 양보할걸..조금만 더 여유를 가질걸..조금만 더 웃을걸..후회만 가득하다.부족하고 못난 내 연기를 믿고 힘을 실어준 감독님과 항상 보이지 않는곳에서 열심히도와준 우리 모든 스탭들 너무..미안하고..고맙고 감사해요..
Tears falling uncontrollably.. the end is always regrettable and feel emptiness, at this time, why I can only recall those unhappy memories.. If I could work harder.. If I could be more modest.. If I could be more capable.. If I could smile more.. my heart full of regret. Even my acting skill is insufficient, director also believed me, and gave me more strength, and to all the staff who helped me sincerely & quietly, very.. sorry.. and thank you very much
*done filming for "Hayate Nogotoku"
✩Translated by Vicky✩
based on chinese translation by 大青草 @ t.sina