Dora. is friends with Narjess PSHIC
Thanks Narjess! I am happy you are interested in my topic.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you eve!I have attached the consent form and the questionnaire. If you interests this research, please sign consent form before finishing this questionnaire. Then send back to my e-mail which I have left in the consent form.
[File Attachment: Questionnaire.doc]
Thank you Maris! I am so excited that you replied me. My research focus on fans, so do research on fan forum will be the best way for me to do my study. K-dramas attract me a lot which motivate me to do in-depth research. I am also a big fan of Shin Hye, so I choose The Inheritors to be the case study. Here is the participant information sheet I attached. I hope it can let you know clearer.
If any questions, I am happy to reply.
Dear PSHIC members ,
My name is Chenyi Qian. I am a master’s student at Liverpool John Moores University School of Humanities and Social Science, currently studying Mass Communications.
I am now doing my dissertation on audience research. I would like to invite you to take part in a research study. It is an online questionnaire about this Shin Hye Forum and the K-drama The Inheritors. If you would like to take part, please leave message or contact me.
Many thanks~
abdessamad is friends with Dora.