Sis Maria@kristen,
Your wish really make me happy.
My other wish, hope see you often in forum.
Thanks and have a blessed day Sis.
Sis Nzida,
Alhamdulillah, I really have a good birthday this year cause many new friend like you wish me.
Thanks Sis and I really appreciate it.
Wish we have a cup of coffee one day since we stay at the same city.
Take care and be careful of haze at our city now.
Sis Magnalia Azzure@Magnaliazz
Thanks so much for the best wishes.
Since we shipping the same couple, this is for you. Glad having you in our community. Hugs.
Sis Thida@Moon.
I feel glad and honored being your sister. To be honest, I am not so lovely... kekeke
Thank you ALLAH for let me knowing you as one of my Muslim Sister.
My wish, we could meet one fine day. Insya ALLAH. Hugs.
Thanks for the lovely wish.
Dearest Uji,
What a surprise.Your wish really touch me, and I thank you so much Sis. . Alhamdulillah and Amin.
As I notice, you seldom join us in forum. Your last post probably months ago.
Hope you also can be active like some of us. Don't be silent readers always.
Take care and hugs.
Sis Paire,
It's been years we being friend and you never failed wish me. (it's make feel guilty kekeke..I sometime forget to wish you Sis)
Before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU in-advance. Your birthday is another couples week.
Thank so much for wish and sincere friendship. Have you been to Laos Sis?
Wish you and families have a good life. Stay healthy always. I really miss your insight and your post.
You been quiet now. ehmmmm....
Take care and warm hugs.
mun whye,
Thanks so much for the wishes Sis, Xia Xia Ni.
oh how I wish you can be active here as you did in Baidu.
Another wish, I really hope we could see one day. Many Malaysian here but it's hard to see each other... kekeke
Anyway, thanks for being part of the community and I really appreciate your support and contributions.
Take care of bad haze now.
If necessary, do not going out for a while.
Have a healthy day. hugs.
Thanks everyone for wish. I really appreciate it.
My birthday always be best because of you, the community of PSHIC.
Thank you...thank you...thank you..
Ohh..I am not getting younger...kekeke. But it's feel great being a 'not lovely' Golden Girl...kekeke
Oh ALLAH - forgive me and Thanks for let me inhale your oxygen until now and hopefully for many years ahead. Amin