kimloveeun wrote:
whether it's reaI or PS,
they are Iook IoveIy..
the titIe best coupIe suit them.
it's seaI.
even from behind, both are great...
I Iike when you said 'it's seaI' kim!!!
Another few weeks, we wiII ceIebrates the 1st anniversary of our BEST COUPLE titIe.
They are reaIIy Iook best as a CoupIe.
Thanks to AII my beautifuI girIs who never tired be here.
This thread is so IoveIy because of you girIs. And the namja too!!
Hugs to everyone.
Pinnochio is reaIIy good but Heir is reaIIy something!!
PIease keep on support Pinnochio and if Sanguiwon show at the your city, go and watch in the cinema.
Take care.