LOL sis @nzida couldn't agree more! Like I said, I'm not the one who focuses on this accessories thing but an exception to this case because their recent airport appearances were just a day apart therefore it's quite telling! And I didn't go into details, everything I listed was just on the surface like the colors, the shape and the location of the rings

I especially like the white thing donning by both of them, it's so pure and innocent. And they both looked extremely happy and fresh.
And as I back read, I can't help but to notice our MinHye thread being called a Ghost Town? LOL! JEALOUS MUCH?

Like sis @nzida mentioned, sometimes it is troublesome for us to post in this thread especially those who are working. AND, allow me to remind you that our
sister thread has just moved to Thread #2 last night within less than a year! Quite an achievement, right?
Call our thread whatever they want. Let's just be happy with our boy & girl