Sooo entering tomorrow. I hope my name gets drawn. Why is this system sooo complicated????
Pray that I get drawn!!!! If not, that's ok, I can get the tickets on June 5th. It'll be me against all the fangirls in Japan!!
Me, fighting!!! Emma, fighting!!!! Let's get tickets and go.
So if I win, I will get four tickets: Me, Maize, Amy, Karen.
If I win, I will get four tickets for: Me, Maize, Amy, Karen---June 5th:...............
If I don't win, I will get tickets for: Me, Maize, Amy, Karen.............
Let me know who wants a ticket.
OMG, so excited. Was about to go to sleep when Amy emailed my phone. Sleep, what sleep?
Now I'm going to be sooo dead first period tomorrow and to think I was up late the last two nights watching HMS.