our SH...
Pls Be Strong!!!
Just my opinion; actually I think girls love to write their journals about work / family / friend / esp. about
love (bf) ****
So, I guess;
1.) I dont think she talked about her manager because they can talk in personal. (If she implied to her manager, I think they have to talk)
2.) our dear SH feel frustrated (and so tired). So, she just wanna mention that she doesnt like the way she is now, and it seems like she feels that she cannot tolerate it anymore. It's just the overall feeling (but I dont think she wanna mention to anyone)
3.) SH focused on someone she love (that oppa).

If she implied to the certain oppa, that means "they"re actually not fit. I hope she just go away from him. I dont want her to get hurt, and I dont want any man (esp. someone that she love) to put a frame on her. (But I dont think her oppa made her feel like this... (Just hope)
Anyway, SH --> Keep Fighting!!!