Hullo my dear hardworking Jenzzy! Really you are amazing in your posts updating literally every thread......Daebak! Glad you decided to chip in with your input too......
The reason I did not start in the beginning was that I always wait for a serial to be at least halfway or more ( except Shinhye's
. ) .......I wanted to watch because I like EYH too but unfortunately the comments and reviews.....tear jerker, misery, tragic moments in abundance,...... put me off the drama so missed the opportunity to watch YSH .....although to me a loveline between her and YSH was too unbelievable for me.......the age difference seemed too much there....I think YSH 's acting was the only saving grace there.....
I liked YSH and Shinhye in SJS music video .......though did expect more between SJS and Shinhye...... So ermines I felt that SJS made this video with Shinhye as a YSH going away to military present for all the fans.
Bye Eve...Enjoy!