[2014-12-15] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
By the way, which down jacket do you think is the warmest?? I’m researching the best one on the Internet all day.. #three meals #cold #winter #sea #pocket warmer how many of pocket warmers should I bring with me.. #how to fish #no managers #freedom #happiness #like a heaven
근데 무슨 패딩이 제일 따뜻함??하루종일 인터넷으로 패딩 찾아보는중.. #삼시세끼 #추워 #겨울 #바다 #핫팩 은 몇개챙겨야 되나..#낚시하는법#매니져는 못감 #자유다 #쒼나 #쒼스타그램
Come on.. why using hash tag is so difficult -_-
아놔 해쉬테그 뭐이리 어려워-_-
credits JKSF.Com